This information is provided by EUROSTYLE SpA, owner of the BELLAOGGI brand and of the website, with registered office in NOLA (NA), INTERPORTO DI NOLA LT D 311-312, as Data Controller, and describes the methods of collection and use of the user's personal data, in accordance with the applicable Italian national legislation and the European Privacy Regulation n. 679/2016 (so-called "GDPR").
Each processing of personal data will be carried out in accordance with current legislation according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, retention limitation, integrity, confidentiality, accountability.

Where necessary, in relation to other non-service purposes, the user's consent will be requested in advance.
1. Data controller.
The personal data controller is EUROSTYLE SpA, owner of the BELLAOGGI brand and of the website, with registered office in NOLA (NA), INTERPORTO DI NOLA LT D 311-312, VAT number 05865900632, in the person of legal representative pt, (hereinafter, the Data Controller).
2. What data we process.
The Data Controller processes personal, identifying data (for example, name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail, bank and payment references) - later, personal data or even data) voluntarily communicated by you in the appropriate
forms on our website. Access and registration to our site is ALLOWED ONLY TO PEOPLE OF AGE. To be
sure, we have established a control mechanism for the express acceptance of the age of majority of our users.
3. For what purposes we process your data.
Your personal data is processed: (A) without your express consent (art. 24 letter a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b), e) GDPR), to fulfill pre-contractual and contractual obligations and as well as obligations established by law, by a regulation, by community legislation or by an order of the Authority and/or to exercise the right of defense in court.
(B) Only subject to your optional, specific and distinct consent (art. art. 7 GDPR), for the sending of commercial communications. With reference to the marketing purpose, the interested party has the right, at any time and free of charge, to oppose this treatment.
(C) Only subject to your optional, specific and distinct consent, for the transfer of data to third-party companies for the same purposes indicated in this statement. The consents referred to in letters B and C are optional and can be revoked at any time.

4. Because we ask you to transfer it to third parties.
Because some of our customers, for example our advertisers, prefer to have the opportunity to communicate directly with you with independent ownership, instead of conveying their commercial offers through Eurostyle's means and media. These communications may take place via email, text message or telephone contact. Whenever your data is transferred to a third party, it will still be the latter's responsibility to send you a presentation communication to inform you on the processing of your data and enable you to exercise your rights against it as provided for by the GDPR.
In any case, the interested party can ask the Company for an indication of the companies to which their personal data have been transferred.
5. How we treat your data.
The treatment will be carried out in compliance with the provisions of art. 32 of the GDPR regarding security measures, by persons specifically appointed and in compliance with the provisions of art. 29 of the GDPR.
6. Authentication via social plugins.
For some services provided by Eurostyle, plug-ins are used that allow the user to authenticate with the credentials of the social network (or portions of the site, APP, loyalty program, etc.). In this regard, the user must refer
also to the privacy information provided by the single social network.
7. Your rights.
In your capacity as an interested party, you are entitled to the rights referred to in articles 15 et seq. GDPR and precisely: i) obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you; ii) obtain the indication of the origin of the personal data, of the purposes and methods of the treatment; (iii) obtain the updating, rectification or integration of data; the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; (iv) oppose, in whole or in part for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection.

8. Who can access your data?
The data collected is accessible to: (i) employees and/or collaborators and/or consultants of Eurostyle SpA (ii) persons in charge and/or responsible for the treatment or the administrators of the software systems who manage the requested/offered services and
they favor improvement; (iii) outsourced service providers dedicated to the management and maintenance of website content, the management of information technology systems, etc., specifically appointed in writing as external data processors.
Eurostyle SpA may communicate the data collected for the purposes of the service, even without the express consent, to the following subjects: (i) judicial authorities upon request; (ii) to all subjects to whom communication is necessary due to the provisions of the law and/or contract for the achievement of the purposes described above.
These subjects will process the data as independent data controllers without the possibility of disseminating them.
“In order to be able to offer you Klarna's payment methods, at checkout we may pass your personal data to Klarna in the form of contact details and order details, so that Klarna can assess your suitability for your payment methods and customize these payment methods. Your personal data transferred is treated in line with Klarna's privacy policy.
These subjects will process the data as independent data controllers without the possibility of disseminating them.
9. How long will we keep the data?
The duration of data retention is established on the basis of various criteria. The data obtained from your activity on the site will be kept for as long as you continue to exercise this activity (we will consider activity if you access the portal, interact with the communications we send you, access
Eurostyle services or contents, etc.). If you do not carry out any activity for a period of 12 months, we will proceed with the deletion of your data.
As for the specific data that allows us to demonstrate your consent to the processing of your data, we will keep it until you carry out activities, and thereafter for 3 years. If at any time there was
a regulation that requires us to keep the data for a period longer than that indicated, we will do so, but in any case we will inform you.

10. Communications, suggestions and complaints.
For any communications, suggestions or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy as well as for the exercise of the rights pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 no. 196 and art. 15 GDPR, please contact us at the following email address: This information was updated on 07/30/2019.

Cookie Policy
While browsing our site, in order to provide the user with easier navigation through a better presentation of information, some data may be collected through small text files called cookies. You can always request deactivation by changing your browser settings, but this deactivation may slow down or prevent access to some parts of the site.

In any case, we inform you that in addition to the navigation data indicated above, no other personal data will be collected by us, except obviously for those that will be voluntarily provided by you. EUROSTYLE SpA, owner of the BELLAOGGI brand and of the website, with registered office in
Nola (NA), Interporto di Nola LT D 311-312 (hereinafter, the Data Controller), complies with the provisions contained in the Italian Personal Data Protection Code (hereinafter, the Privacy Code), as amended by the Legislative Decree 28 May 2012, no. 69, in implementation of the European directive 2009/136/CE as well as of the European Regulation 679/2016 the GDPR) and of the Legislative Decree 101/18.
What are cookies. A cookie is a small text file exchanged between the website visited and the computer which is stored on computers, tablets, smartphones, mobile phones and on any device used to browse the Internet, capable of storing user navigation information and his preferences. When you visit the same site again, your browser checks for a recognized cookie so that you can read the information in
contained therein thus ensuring easier navigation for the user. The various cookies contain different information and are used for different purposes (execution of computer authentication, monitoring of sessions, memorization of information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, memorization of preferences, etc.).
While browsing, the user can also receive cookies sent to his computer from different sites (so-called third-party sites), in which some elements present on the site that the user is visiting may reside (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains, etc.).
More generally, some cookies (called session cookies) are stored on the user's computer only for the duration of access to the site and expire automatically when the browser is closed. Other cookies, defined as persistent,
remain on the computer for an extended period.
Types of cookies.
Cookies can be classified into:
― session cookies: which are removed when the user closes the browser and which, therefore, have a limited duration for the visit;
― permanent cookies: which remain on the device used to browse the Internet for a specific time. These cookies have typical expiration dates and, therefore, their duration varies depending on the cookie used;
― proprietary cookies and third-party cookies: depending on whether they belong to the owner of the website or to one
Part Three.

Our site uses the following categories of cookies:
Strictly necessary cookies.
These cookies are essential for our website to function properly and to use and/or improve the various functions and services you request. Without these cookies it would not be possible to manage and remember, by way of example, user authentication, access to the reserved area of ​​the website, the contents of the shopping cart for online purchases, electronic invoicing, the implementation of the of purchasing an order.
Pursuant to directive 2009/136/EC, implemented by Legislative Decree 28 May 2012 n. 69, and the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data relating to the identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies of 8 May 2014, published in the Official Gazette n. 126 of 3 June 2014, since technical cookies are essential for the correct functioning of a website, they can also be used without the user's prior consent, without prejudice to the obligation to provide information pursuant to
of the art. 13 of the Privacy Code amended by the GDPR.
Analysis cookies (so-called Analytics cookies).
The use of these cookies is essential to improve the browsing experience of our users on the site by monitoring and analyzing their behavior (for example, keeping track of the pages visited
frequently, of the user's preferences, of the products already displayed in order to prevent them from being re-proposed as well as to evaluate whether the advertising published on the site is effective or not). These data, being aggregated, do not allow the user to be personally identified and, therefore, are anonymous.
The site also uses the Google Analytics web analysis service provided by Google. In particular, Google Analytics uses cookies (both temporary and permanent) in order to collect, anonymously, information on
how users use our website (including IP addresses) that will be transmitted by the user's browser to Google's servers located in the United States.

Further information about the Google Analytics service and the procedures to follow to disable cookies can be found at the following links:
Advertising and behavioral advertising cookies.
These cookies are used by the Company to collect data on browsing habits and user preferences in order to develop a specific profile for customizing the commercial offer, for carrying out market research or distance selling.
The user can decide to refuse the use of this category of cookies using the opt-out tool provided on the settings page of his browser, or on the basis of what is specified below.
Third Party Cookies and Social Media Cookies.
Our website may allow the use of third-party cookies that could collect information about the user's movements on the Internet.
Furthermore, some pages on our website are characterized by the presence of so-called. social plugins which allow you to share our content on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.
Third party cookies are not under our control and, therefore, for more information on how the third party uses cookies, it is recommended to visit the third party's website.

Further information on the cookie policies adopted by the major social media networks can be found
by clicking on the following links:
- Facebook;
– Twitter;
– Instagram:
– LinkedIn;
– Youtube.

Since the installation of Cookies and other tracking systems operated by third parties through the services used within this site cannot be technically controlled by the Owner, any specific reference to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative. To obtain complete information, consult the privacy policy of any third party services listed in this document.
Given the objective complexity linked to the identification of technologies based on Cookies and their very close integration with the functioning of the web, the User is invited to contact the Owner should he wish to receive any further information relating to the use of the Cookies themselves and any uses of the same - for example by third parties - made through this site.
Consent and withdrawal of consent to the use of cookies.
Consent to the use of cookies is given initially by clicking on the "ok" button located within the brief information/initial banner or by clicking any element of the web page and can be revoked at any time upon request by the user.
To allow the deactivation of cookies, the settings specifically indicated in the guidelines of the browser in use can be used. Each browser has different settings for deactivating cookies; below we offer links to the deactivation instructions provided by the most common browsers:

– Microsoft Internet Explorer;
– Google Chrome;
– AppleSafari;
– Mozilla Firefox;
- Opera.

Data Retention.
The duration of cookies depends on their nature: session cookies expire when the user closes the browser; persistent cookies have typical expiration dates which, barring particular exceptions, do not exceed 2 years.
Changes to the cookie policy.
The Company reserves the right to make changes to this cookie policy. The user is therefore invited to periodically visit this page to be informed of any changes. Information not contained in this policy. Further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact information.

Legal references
This information has been prepared in fulfillment of the obligations established by Legislative Decree 196/2003 and GDPR 679/16 by art. 10 of Directive no. 95/46/EC, as well as the provisions of Directive 2009/136/EC regarding Cookies. This privacy statement only concerns this website and, therefore, the company assumes no responsibility regarding the policies regarding cookies used by the owners of third-party websites.
Block third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are generally not essential for browsing, so you can refuse them by default through the specific functions of your browser.

Turn on the Do Not Track option
The Do Not Track option is present in most of the latest generation browsers. Websites designed to respect this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to respect this (discretionary) option.
Activate "anonymous surfing" mode
With this function you can navigate without leaving a trace of navigation data in the browser. The sites will not remember you, the pages you visit will not be stored in the history and the new cookies will be
However, the anonymous browsing function does not guarantee anonymity on the Internet, because it only serves not to keep navigation data in the browser, while your navigation data will continue to remain available to website managers and connectivity providers.

Delete cookies directly
There are special functions to do this in all browsers. However, remember that new cookies are downloaded each time you connect to the Internet, so the deletion operation should be performed periodically. If desired, some browsers offer automated systems for the periodic deletion of cookies.

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