A. Scope

This writing describes the general conditions of sale that apply to the purchase of "BELLAOGGI" branded products made through the e-commerce site www.bellaoggi.com by users who qualify as "Consumers". The Site, owned by EUROSTYLE SpA with registered office in Nola (NA) – Freight Village of Nola, LOT D, BL. 3, MOD 311-312, tax code and VAT number 05865900632 (hereinafter also referred to as "seller").
1) The website www.bellaoggi.com is aimed at retail sales for the exclusive use of Consumers. In the event that one or more sales are made to a person who cannot be qualified as a consumer, the provisions on the sale and purchase governed by Italian law will apply. The seller also reserves the right not to process orders from subjects who do not qualify as consumers.
2) In order to be able to make purchases through the website www.bellaoggi.com, the Consumer must possess, in accordance with the provisions of art. 3 of the Consumer Code, the age of majority (18 years) and the ability to act, which the Consumer declares to possess by accepting these general conditions of sale.

B. Product features and availability

1) BELLAOGGI branded products are sold with the characteristics described on the site and according to the general conditions of sale published on the site www.bellaoggi.com at the time the order is sent by the consumer, with the exclusion of any other condition or term.
2) The Seller has the right to modify these general conditions of sale at any time, at its discretion, without the need to provide any notice to site users. Any changes made will be effective from the date of publication on the site and will apply only to sales concluded from that date.
3) The prices of the products on sale on the website www.bellaoggi.com and/or their characteristics may be subject to change without notice. These variations will apply only to orders that have not yet been confirmed on the date of the variation.
4) The products available on the website www.bellaoggi.com can only be purchased by users who request delivery throughout Italy, with the exception of Livigno, Trepalle and Campione d'Italia; the services are also not available for San Marino and the Vatican City

C. How to purchase the Products and finalize the order

1) The presentation of the Products on the Site, which is not binding for the Seller, represents a mere invitation addressed to the Consumer to formulate a contractual purchase proposal and does not constitute an offer to the public.
2) The purchase order sent by the consumer to the seller through the website www.bellaoggi.com has the nature of a contractual proposal and is governed by these general conditions of sale, which form an integral part of the order itself and which the consumer, through the transmission of the order to the seller, is required to accept. Before proceeding with the purchase of the products and completing the order, by sending the purchase order, the consumer will be asked to carefully read these general conditions of sale and the information on the right of withdrawal indicated in the following art. L and approve its content, through the appropriate check mark (check-box) present on the Site, confirming in this sense that it has been read and accepted. Furthermore, the consumer/user will be asked to identify and correct any errors in entering their data.
3) The consumer's purchase order is considered accepted by the seller by sending it to the e-mail address declared by the latter to the seller when registering on the site or when sending the order in the event that the consumer is not registered on the site www.bellaoggi.com, of an e-mail confirming the order itself, which will contain the link to the text of these general conditions of sale, the summary of the order placed, including detailed indication of the price, shipping costs and applicable taxes, and the description of the characteristics of the product ordered. The consumer's order, the seller's order confirmation and the general conditions of sale applicable to the relationship between the parties will be filed electronically by the Seller in its computer systems.
4) Each contract for the purchase of products is considered finalized when the consumer receives the order confirmation from the seller via e-mail and it will be executed by the seller after crediting the price, without prejudice to the consumer's right of withdrawal.
5) The seller accepts the customer's orders within the limits of the quantities of the requested products existing in the warehouse. Therefore, Eurostyle SpA's acceptance of the purchase proposal forwarded by the consumer/user is subject to the availability of the products in stock. The seller undertakes to promptly notify the consumer/user of any unforeseeable out-of-stocks due to excess demand or other causes.

D. Selection and purchase of products

1) The products on the website www.bellaoggi.com will be ordered by selecting the products of greatest interest to the consumer and placing them in the appropriate virtual shopping cart. After selecting the Products, in order to purchase the Products placed in the cart, the consumer can (i) register on the site, providing the requested data, or (ii) log in, if the consumer is already registered or (iii) provide your data in order to complete the order and allow the completion of the purchase. The consumer will also be asked to choose the shipping method and the payment method, among those available. If the Consumer decides for the immediate payment method (simultaneous with the purchase) by credit card, PayPal, he will be required to communicate the relevant data via a secure connection. For accounting and administrative needs, the seller reserves the right to verify the personal details indicated by the consumer. If the payment is made by credit card, the purchase amount will be debited only at the time of transmission of the order confirmation from the seller to the consumer.

E. Delivery of products and acceptance

1) The site indicates the availability of the products and their delivery times, however, this information is to be considered purely indicative and not binding for the seller.
2) The Seller undertakes to do everything within its power in order to respect the delivery times indicated on the site and, in any case, to carry out the delivery within a maximum time of 30 (thirty) days starting from the day following that in which the consumer sent the order. In the event of non-execution of the order by the seller, due to the unavailability, even temporary, of the product, the seller will provide written notice to the consumer and will refund any sums already paid by the consumer for payment of the product pursuant to the following art. And 3).
3) The shipment of the products ordered by the consumer will take place in the manner selected by the consumer, among those available and indicated on the site at the time the order is sent. The consumer undertakes to check promptly and in the shortest possible period that the delivery includes all and only the products purchased and to promptly inform the seller of any defect of the Products received or of their discrepancy with respect to the order placed, according to the procedure of referred to in the following letter H of these general conditions of sale; failing that, the products will be considered accepted. If the packaging or casing of the products ordered by the consumer should reach their destination clearly damaged, the consumer must refuse delivery by the carrier/shipper or accept delivery "with reserve".
4) In the case of payment on delivery, the customer will be charged for the cost as indicated in the checkout phase.

F. Product prices, shipping costs, duties and taxes

1) The price of the products is that indicated on the site at the time the order is sent by the consumer. The prices include standard packaging costs, VAT (if applicable) and any indirect taxes (if applicable), while they do not include shipping costs which are calculated before the order confirmation sent by the seller to the consumer and which the same consumer undertakes to pay the seller in addition to the price indicated on the website www.bellaoggi.com.
2) The Consumer must pay the seller the total price, as indicated in the order and in the order confirmation sent by e-mail from the seller to the consumer.
3) If the products are to be delivered to a country that does not belong to the European Union, the total price indicated in the order and confirmed in the order confirmation, inclusive of indirect taxes (if applicable) is net of any customs duties and any other sales tax, which the consumer hereby undertakes to pay, if due, in addition to the price indicated in the order and confirmed in the order confirmation, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the country in which the products they will be delivered.
4) Any additional costs, charges, taxes and/or duties that a given country may apply, for any reason whatsoever, to the products ordered on the basis of the general conditions of sale are the sole responsibility of the consumer.

G. Payments for the products ordered

1) The payment of the price of the products ordered through the website www.bellaoggi.com must be made within the essential term of 10 (ten) days starting from the date of transmission of the order confirmation from the seller to the consumer. The consumer expressly accepts that the execution of the contract by the seller will begin when the price of the product/s purchased is credited to the seller's current account.
2) Payment can be made by credit card, via PayPal under the conditions described below.
3) Payment for orders is made at the time of purchase using a payment card with Stripe or Paypal. Payments are managed by the Stripe https://stripe.com/ and Paypal https://www.paypal.com payment systems, subject to the safest security standards currently available, PCI DSS level 1 certification. This international standard, established by the main market players, establishes the security requirements for international payments.
4) The Seller will promptly send to the Consumer, if required by applicable law, in electronic format by e-mail to the address declared by the same or attached in paper format to the products purchased, the tax receipt relating to the purchase made,

H. Seller's legal guarantee of conformity, lack of conformity and interventions under guarantee

1) Pursuant to and for the purposes of the European Directive 44/99/EC and the Italian legislative decree n. 206/2005 (hereinafter "Consumer Code"), the seller guarantees the consumer that the products will be free from design and material defects as well as compliant with the descriptions published on the website www.bellaoggi.com for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of delivery of the products to the consumer. The application of any guarantee is excluded in the event of use or washing of the product that does not comply with that of the product and with the instructions/warnings in this regard provided by the seller, or indicated in the reference illustrative documentation, tags or labels.
2) Under penalty of forfeiture of this guarantee, the consumer has the burden of reporting any defects and non-conformities no later than 2 (two) months from discovery, reporting them by e-mail to info@eurostylespa.com, with written communication containing the indication of the defect and/or non-compliance found, accompanied by at least no. 1 photographic reproduction of the product which highlights the defect and/or non-conformity, the order confirmation sent by the seller and/or the tax receipt).
3) Following receipt of the report and the relative documentation, the Seller will evaluate the defects and non-conformities reported by the consumer and, after having carried out the quality controls aimed at verifying the effective non-conformity of the product, will decide whether to authorize the return of the same by providing the Consumer with a reply, containing the "Return Code", by e-mail to the address provided by the latter during the registration process on the Site or during the order transmission phase. The authorization to return the Products will in no way constitute acknowledgment of defects or non-compliance, the existence of which must be ascertained after the return. The products whose return has been authorized by the seller must be returned by the consumer, together with a copy of the return authorization communication bearing the "Return Code", within 30 (thirty) days of reporting the defect or non-compliance, to the following address: Nola (NA) – Freight Village of Nola, LOT D, BL. 3, MOD 311-312,
4) In the event of defects or non-compliance, the consumer will have the right to have the product restored to conformity by the seller, by means of repair or replacement, or alternative remedies in the cases expressly provided for by art. 130 of Legislative Decree n. 206/2005.
If the seller has undertaken to reimburse the consumer for the price paid, the reimbursement will be made, where possible, by the same means of payment used by the consumer when purchasing the Product or by bank transfer. It will be the Consumer's responsibility to notify the Seller, again via e-mail info@eurostylespa.com, of the bank details to make the transfer in his favor and to ensure that the seller is put in a position to be able to return the amount due.

I. Liability for Defective Products

9.1. As regards any damage caused by product defects, the provisions of the European directive 85/374/EEC and the Consumer Code apply. The Seller, in his capacity as distributor of the products through the website www.bellaoggi.com, frees himself from any liability whatsoever, none excluded and/or excepted, indicating, at the request of the damaged Consumer, the identity and domicile of the relative producer.

L. Right of withdrawal

1) Without prejudice to the exceptions referred to in article 59 of the Consumer Code, the consumer has the right to withdraw from any contract concluded pursuant to these general conditions of sale, without having to provide any reason and without any penalty, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days from when (i) the product was delivered or (ii) in the case of the purchase of several products delivered separately with a single order, the last product was delivered.
2) To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer, before the expiry of the term referred to in the previous art. L1, must access the "Returns and Refunds" page with Google Crome, enter the number of the order with which the purchase was made and follow the instructions indicated.
3) If the consumer has received the product, he is required to return it without undue delay and, in any case, within 14 days from the day on which he communicated the withdrawal. The term is considered respected if the consumer returns the goods before the expiry of the 14-day period. The direct risks and costs of returning the goods, as well as proof of this, will remain the responsibility of the consumer.
4) In the event of withdrawal, the consumer will be reimbursed for the payments he has made, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs deriving from the possible choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered), without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 days from the exercise of the withdrawal. These refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the consumer for the initial transaction, unless the consumer requests a refund on a different means of payment, in which case any additional costs deriving from the different means of payment will be borne by the consumer. The refund may be suspended until receipt of the goods or until the consumer demonstrates that he has returned the goods, whichever comes first.
6) The consumer is responsible for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. Therefore, if the returned goods are damaged (for example with signs of wear, abrasion, nicks, scratches, deformations, etc.), not complete with all their elements and accessories (including the labels and tags unchanged and attached to the product) , not accompanied by the attached instructions/notes/manuals, by the original packaging and by the guarantee certificate, where present, the Consumer will be liable for the decrease in the value of the asset, and will be entitled to a refund of the amount equal to the residual value of the Product .

M. Intellectual Property

1) The consumer declares to be informed that all trademarks, names, as well as any distinctive sign, denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text used on the Site or related to the products are and remain the exclusive property of Eurostyle SpA and /or its assignees, without the consumer deriving any right over the same from access to the Site and/or from the purchase of the Products.
2) The contents of the www.bellaoggi.com site may not be reproduced, either wholly or partially, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, or used for any purpose without the prior written consent of Eurostyle SpA

N. Consumer data and privacy protection

1) In order to proceed with the registration, forwarding of the order and therefore the conclusion of the contract on the basis of these general conditions of sale, some personal data of the consumer are requested through the website www.bellaoggi.com. The consumer acknowledges that the personal data provided will be recorded and used by the seller, in accordance with and in compliance with current legislation and subsequent amendments, to execute each purchase made through the website www.bellaoggi.com and, subject to his consent, for any additional activities as indicated in the specific privacy policy provided to the consumer through the site at the time of registration.
2) The consumer declares and guarantees that the data provided to the seller during the registration and purchase process are correct and truthful.
3) The consumer may at any time update and/or modify his personal data provided to the Seller through the appropriate section of the "Login" site accessible after authentication.
4) For any further information on the methods of processing the Consumer's personal data, please access the Privacy section on the website www.belloggi.com.

O. Security

1) With regard to data relating to credit card payments, the seller makes use of the services of Stripe which adopts technological systems capable of guaranteeing the highest levels of reliability, security, protection and confidentiality in the transmission of information via the web.

P. Applicable law, conciliation attempt and competent court

1) Each sales contract concluded between the seller and the consumers pursuant to these conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Italian laws and in particular by the Consumer Code, with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003 no. 70 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce. In any case, the rights that may be attributed to consumers by mandatory provisions of law in force in the country of the latter will remain unaffected.
2) In the event of disputes between the seller and a consumer, it is possible to establish a mediation procedure aimed at attempting an amicable settlement that each consumer can promote before any mediation body accredited by the Ministry of Justice and having territorial jurisdiction.
3) If the mediation attempt referred to in the previous art. P2 or if this attempt fails, the dispute will be referred to the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer.

Q. Payment Security

BELLAOGGI guarantees the security of payments and data thanks to the use of SSL technology. Payments made by credit card are completely safe and risk-free. All data is transferred in encrypted form using an SSL certificate and therefore cannot be intercepted by external subjects; moreover, data entry takes place directly on the Stripe.com website, thus guaranteeing maximum security. PayPal is also a fast and safe payment system, in which the amount is charged directly to the credit or prepaid card assigned by the customer, protecting the buyer's information as no financial information is transmitted.
Purchases made on the BELLAOGGI website are safe and guaranteed.
Paying online by credit card is completely risk-free. Payment information is encrypted during transmission and managed directly by Stripe. Under no circumstances will BELLAOGGI be aware of your credit card number, nor will it process or store the data provided on its systems. BELLAOGGI will only receive notification of the positive outcome of the transaction.
PayPal is a quick and secure payment system, in which the amount is charged directly to the credit or prepaid card assigned by the customer, protecting the buyer's information as no financial information is transmitted.

A. Methods of payment

Bellaoggi offers three different payment methods to meet customer needs:
– Payment by credit card online (also including PostePay)
- Payment with Paypal
– AmazonPay

S. Payment by credit card

The accepted credit cards are: Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
All data is transferred in encrypted form using an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate and therefore cannot be intercepted by external parties.

T. Payment with Paypal

PayPal, an eBay group company, is a fast and secure payment system.
Once the payment with PayPal has been completed, the buyer will be redirected to the PayPal site, where he will be able to access his account by entering his personal e-mail address and password.
After registering, it is possible to proceed with payments via PayPal without having to re-enter the data, even for subsequent purchases.
By choosing to pay with PayPal, the amount is charged directly to the assigned credit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express) or prepaid card (PostePay). PayPal protects the buyer's information as no financial information is passed on.
A confirmation email from PayPal will be sent to each transaction made with this method. The order amount is charged to the PayPal account at the time of order acquisition.
In case of cancellation, the amount is refunded to the customer's PayPal account.

U. AmazonPay

AmazonPay makes online shopping even easier, faster and safer, because it allows you to use the information already stored on your Amazon account to pay for items purchased on our website. Simply select the payment and delivery information stored in your Amazon account, without having to re-enter your payment method or https://pay.amazon.com/uk/shopper details


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